Your “Only”…My “Everything

I have been hesitant to voice my opinions on this whole COVID-19 pandemic but the more I think about it…I have this platform so why not use it to advocate for those who can’t, the vulnerable. Y’all I get it…we are ALL bored out of our minds. We ALL want our lives to return to some sort of normalcy but here’s the thing, the sooner we all adhere to what is being advised, the quicker that can and will happen.

Things I’ve heard so far….”You’re the problem with America”, “It’s just a cold”, “We have never done this for the flu and it has killed so many more”, “This is just a political scheme”, “This is ridiculous…what about all my bills?”….Guys, I get it! But let’s go over some facts shall we?….First off, can we stop hating each other when we disagree with one another?!?! I mean honestly, that is the actual problem with our country as a whole these days. And to most, about 80% of people it is just a really bad cold or flu…but to the vulnerable it can be life threatening. So for once, can we all just be considerate?! Because your “ONLY” is my “EVERYTHING”. The flu has killed many more but here’s the thing about that, COVID-19 is TWICE as contagious and TWENTY times more deadly. As for politics, I’m not getting into that discussion today, or anytime soon for that matter. And for those of you suffering financially, I totally understand your concerns and frustrations. But that is another reason to be considerate and cautious now so we can all get back on with life sooner rather than later. And this is a time we all need to lean on one another for support. Guys, check on your friends and family. Everyone is being affected differently. Support your small businesses, check on your healthcare workers and first responders, your pregnant friends, elderly and transportation workers. Be there for one another. I mean isn’t that all relationships really are?! Being there for one another when they need you most? (yep, totally stole that from That Awkward Moment–but it’s the truth)

Back to my point of writing this in the first place…the vulnerable (those of you who know me personally know I struggle with staying on topic). So who encompasses this twenty percent? The elderly, those with pre-existing conditions, diabetics, people with kidney diseases, the immunocompromised, pregnant women and unborn babies, and newest to the list–children under five. Y’all our son hits half that damn list! But he’s spunky and resilient so “he’ll be fine, don’t buy into the hype”….Let’s talk about Rowan specifically just regarding this. He is up to 31 diagnosis’ that all fall under his CSS diagnosis. So just regarding this specific virus…He obviously has a pre-existing condition. He has kidney issues on the left side. He is super prone to respiratory virus’ of all things. He is under five and has pulmonary issues…several pulmonary issues. Not only that but he has something called hypotonia along with laryngomalacia which basically means his muscle tone prevents him from coughing up secretions making it insanely hard to fight common colds and respiratory virus, yet alone the motherload of one.

I have not left this house for a week now (aside from a quick chest x-ray to check on a serious cardiac concern for Rowan) since I took him to therapy for the last time til at least May 9th. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital is thankfully taking all necessary precautions to keep our kiddos safe. And guys, I’m losing my ever loving mind! I miss social interaction something fierce. As a stay at home mama I already don’t get much of it as it is. But it’s what we have to do to keep Rowan safe and I’m begging y’all to be considerate of these situations instead of being stuck in a state of mind only worrying about how bored you are or how “you’d be fine.”

Most of you who have followed our journey know that ever since I had Rowan, I’ve had some crazy anxiety. It has definitely calmed down over time but in times like this, it’s cranked on high. I hear the words “only the vulnerable” and I see so many tiny faces. I see Rowan, Kruze, Colton, and Ryan. I see Ruby, Hensley, Jilly, Cohen, King, Kolton, Theo, and Kayenne. I hear the fear and frustration in their parent’s voices when we talk each other through this crazy time. So please just stop and think before you go out unnecessarily because you feel inconvenienced or annoyed. Please consider all the facts for our special needs, “medically complex” kiddos. They are our whole world.